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Actor - Yanting Lü / Animation / duration - 1h, 50 minutes / country - China / writed by - Yu Yang / Directed by - Yu Yang. A highly possible tease of monkey king animated movie. Nezha Watch stream new.
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I just watched this movie. It is really a great movie. very interesting and inspiring. if (your) fate isn't fair, fight it till the end.
Sad. 2 out of 11! The Origins Of Alien and The Manalorian.
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I hope Netflix gets the rights to this game and make it into a feature.
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It reminds me of Naruto.
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The Mandalorian is the greatest thing to ever hit the Big-Screen, Small-Screen, Medium-Screen or Any-Screen. Ever.
1:53 - Fantastic Beasts: Mogul World Stories.
Pfff firewalker is high in damage with a lot of duration. Lol. fire god. Make solar flares lol.
I love this movie I just watch it in the movie theatre just today in IMAX 3D it was AWESOME.
Is he a Were-unicorn.
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Pathetic, every last one of them
Disney: Who dares competes with the new Mulan we're releasing this year? Well Go USA: It might be the Year of the Rat, but get back in the Mickey Mouse club hat.
My initial impressions. Thought it would be a bomb knowing nothing about the film judging by the trailer and poster, only interested in the mythology of Ne Zha. And damn, it was entertaining, fast paced full of slapstick humor and action, although the first few minutes had some slight cringe you might expect from a Chinese animation, but that quickly goes away.
The visuals and 3d were spectacular. I'd say on the level of Dreamworks, somewhat near Pixar at times, although there were moments especially the dragons that were pretty bad, and 1 or 2 scenes that made my eyes spasm a bit from weird 3d movement. I first thought the initial character designs were like some weird Naruto-esk spinoff with the child NeZha looking a bit ugly, plus tropey action scenes. But it's one of those cases where watching it is much better than the lower quality trailers I came across, and none of the action was corny with emo characters trying too hard to act cool.
The subtitles can pass by VERY fast and/or get lost against the background, so get ready to read fast. I'm left with some questions on the origin story which deviates a little from what I read, but there's enough to stay true to the mythos. There are even some moving, touching scenes with NeZha and his parents. Can't wait for the sequel which multiple end credits scenes point to.
Reaping Chockram augment is the way to go.
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Wait, I'm confused, I thought disney was changing all their character to P.O.C.
The alien part doenst count as a trailer. FALSE ADVERTISING.
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- Published by: Andy アスラ
- Bio: GBF